Pawnee Fan Policy
Pawnee School District believes in and is committed to the idea that interscholastic competition in athletics is an important part of the school curriculum and plays a vital role in the development of young men and women. Athletics are also an educational experience beneficial to all and thus participation in an athletic program can contribute to the development of physical health and mental wellbeing. Participation in interscholastic athletics/activities at Pawnee is a privilege extended to all eligible students. Students are encouraged to participate as team members and as fans. Attending games as fan is also a privilege that needs to be respected. Below are expectations of all Pawnee fans, both students and adults.
Pawnee athletic fans will conduct themselves in a manner that adheres to the high expectations set for sportsmanship and hospitality by the school, community and the IESA/IHSA. Spectators or students who choose to not meet these expectations will be removed from the contests and face further consequences.
1. Fan behavior at all school events, both home and away, should adhere to school, community, and IESA/IHSA standards and regulations.
2. Masks or costumes that hide a person’s identity are not allowed.
3. Signs that are supportive and positive are allowed however, they cannot block the line of sight of other spectators.
4. No inappropriate, obscene, or disrespectful language, written signs/banners, or body gestures.
5. No inappropriate, obscene, or disrespectful language, written signs/banners directed towards game officials, both teams, coaches, school personnel, and fans.
Derogatory comments directed at the players, coaches, or referees is poor sportsmanship and will not be tolerated at Pawnee extra-curricular events.
Communication from the Parent/Guardian/Fan
Successful relationships are formed between the coach, parent, guardian, and fan by showing:
1. Support and respect for all participants (including all officials and workers)
2. Good sportsmanship at all times (KNOW YOUR ROLE)
3. Courteous and appropriate communication is required for any interactions between parents/fans and coaches.
4. 24-hour rule: Parent/Guardian/Fan will abide by the 24-hour rule. Any concern with coaches that Parent/Guardian/Fans feel the need to be expressed must not be addressed until 24 hours after an athletic contest.
Any student fan or Parent/Guardian/Fan displaying any inappropriate behavior and/or who repeatedly choose to ignore the above policies or who are disruptive and inappropriate may be removed from events. If an individual is removed from an event, additional consequences will be administered. Outlined below are the steps that will govern misbehavior at athletic contests:
First offense: One game suspension of the Pawnee extra-curricular activity that the person was removed from and the mandatory completion of an IESA/IHSA sportsmanship class. Here is the link to this class:
Second offense: One month suspension from all Pawnee extra-curricular activities. This person will submit a written plan detailing how they will change behavior at future extra-curricular events.
Third offense: Removal for one calendar year from all Pawnee extra-curricular activities.
Pawnee School District reserves the right to deviate from the above sequence if a person’s behavior at any point is severely egregious. All consequences apply to home and away events.
Due Process Procedures
Parent/Guardian/Fan who are accused of violating the Code of Conduct for Extracurricular Activities are entitled to the following due process:
1. Parent/Guardian/Fan shall be advised of the disciplinary infraction the person violated.
2. Parent/Guardian/Fan shall be entitled to a hearing before an appropriate administrator and school board.
3. Parent/Guardian/Fan will be able to respond to any charges leveled against him or her.
4. Parent/Guardian/Fan may provide any additional information he or she wishes for the administrator and school board to consider.
5. The administrator, with the help of other staff members if needed, may interview material witnesses or others with evidence concerning the case.
6. If the administrator and school board finds, after reviewing the evidence, the violation occurred, sanctions will be imposed.
Adherence to these few minimal rules will insure the best possible co-curricular experience for all students participating in our athletic program as competition. An athletic program, properly administered and appreciated, should teach victory and the acceptance of defeat and keep both in their proper perspective. These are kids playing a game. It is our job as coaches, administrators, players, and parents to be examples of good sportsmanship. It is a privilege and not a right to play sports and attend events at Pawnee. We are all held to a higher standard.