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According to board policy, only service animals with the proper credentials are allowed on school property. This applies to the educational instruction inside the building and extracurricular activities held in our outdoor athletic complex.

The March "regular" board meeting has been moved from March 19th at 7:00 to March 20th at 8:00 pm.

Where to Watch Our Athletic Events

HudlTV & YouTube

We’re excited to share our athletic events with you via HudlTV and YouTube! To ensure you never miss a game, here’s what you need to know: Our games may be streamed on either HudlTV or our school’s YouTube channel. If you don’t see the game on one platform, be sure to check the other! Since we currently don’t have a way to notify viewers in advance of where each event will stream, we recommend . . .

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Pawnee CUSD 11 810 N. Fourth Street Pawnee, IL  62558

PH: 217-625-2471 Fax: 217-625-2251

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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